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Young Man with Camera

by David Wyman (photo.); Emil Sher

The narrator of Young Man with Camera is T—, a 13-year-old street photographer who chooses to leave his full name out of the narrative because “I know someone will come along and twist a normal name into something not-normal.”

jkt_9780545541312.pdfThat someone is Ryan, a charming and intelligent bully who takes sadistic delight in hurting others and perverting the truth. Scarred by an accident when he was younger, T— is the perfect target for Ryan and his two henchmen, a trio of thugs that T— calls Joined at the Hip.

With his camera, T— captures images that reflect his own particular and perceptive view of the world, exposing not only his personal challenges but also the more positive aspects of his life. The latter include a kind librarian at school, T—’s best friend, Sean (who loves mysteries and his dog, Watson), and Lucy, a vivacious homeless person. When Lucy falls victim to Joined at the Hip, T— manages to capture the violent assault on his camera, putting himself and Sean in a dangerous position.

Emil Sher’s extensive background as a playwright is evident in his uniquely visual presentation of T—’s story. His masterful use of beautifully evocative language creates vivid pictures in the mind of the reader, which are complimented by David Wyman’s unembellished yet achingly expressive photographs.

Young Man with Camera will appeal to readers of both genders. The use of photographs and the short chapters make the book an easy read, which will hopefully draw in reluctant or struggling readers. However, the story itself is anything but simple, providing a complex and gritty narrative.


Reviewer: Liane Shaw

Publisher: Arthur A. Levine/Scholastic Canada


Price: $21.99

Page Count: 240 pp

Format: Cloth

ISBN: 978-545-54131-2,

Released: Sept.

Issue Date: November 2015

Categories: Children and YA Fiction

Age Range: 12+