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Bookmarks: memories of a writer, whitewashed books, and more

Here at Quillblog, we scour the Web so you don’t have to. Here are some literary links for your perusal:

  • Members of the literary community (including Q&Q‘s own Steven W. Beattie) share their fond memories of writer and musician Paul Quarrington
  • Less than a year after Bloomsbury received backlash for featuring a white woman on the cover of a novel about a black heroine, the publisher has done it againhaven’t they learned anything?
  • Here are five ways to improve your writing and concentration (or at least discover some nifty new gadgets and websites)
  • The Twilight phenomenon continues to grow (and grow, and grow) “ this time, Meyer’s moving into graphic novel territory
  • And finally, if folding the corners of book pages drives you crazy, maybe you need what Entertainment Weekly calls the Cutest. Bookmarks. Ever.